The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute

Telos Conferences

The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute has been holding annual conferences in New York City since 2006. The Institute also sponsors individual conferences and symposia throughout the world. Below you will find links to the conference programs (in PDF format) from our previous conferences.

Political Economy and the Good Life: The 2024 Postliberalism Conference
December 13–14, 2024
Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge
Conference program

Democracy Today?
March 22–23, 2024
New York, NY
Conference program

Forms of War
March 31–April 1, 2023
New York, NY
Conference program

Marking Telos 200: The New Politics of Class
October 14–15, 2022
New York, NY
Conference program

Civilizational States and Liberal Empire—Bound to Collide?
April 1–3, 2022
New York, NY
Conference program

After the Welfare State: Reconceiving Mutual Aid
February 15–16, 2020
New York, NY
Conference program

Europe’s Constitutional Challenges as a Problem of Culture
June 20–21, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Conference website

Political Theology Today as Critical Theory of the Contemporary: Reason, Religion, Humanism
February 15–17, 2019
New York, NY
Conference program

The Endurance of Empire
August 31–September 2, 2018
Ragusa, Sicily
Conference program

Constitutional Theory as Cultural Problem: Global Perspectives
February 16–18, 2018
New York, NY
Conference program

After the End of Revolution: Constitutional Order amid the Crisis of Democracy
September 1–2, 2017
Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
Conference program

Asymmetrical Warfare: The Centrality of the Political to the Strategic
January 14–15, 2017
New York, NY
Conference program

Democracy and Secular Sectarianism
November 17–18, 2016
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi, India
Conference program

Sacrifice: Biological and Theological Investigations for Economic and Military/Political Praxis—Conceptualizations, Categories, Applications, and Abuses
June 16–17, 2016
Humboldt University-Berlin, Theologische Fakultät
Berlin, Germany
Conference program

Beyond Nostalgia: Ethics, Politics, and the Critique of Modernity
January 16–17, 2016
New York, NY
Conference program

The Concept of the People and Consumer Society
September 18–21, 2015
Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Conference program

Universal History, Philosophical History, and the Fate of Humanity
February 13–15, 2015
New York, NY
Conference program

Europe and the World: World War I as Crisis of Universalism
December 4–7, 2014
Irvine, California
Conference program

The Idea of Europe
September 5–8, 2014
L'Aquila, Italy
Conference program

Cosmopolitanism and China: Toward a Literary (Re)Construction
August 21, 2014
Beijing, China
Conference program

Reconceiving Naturalism: The Speculative Challenge
April 26–27, 2014
Melbourne, Australia
Conference program

The Difficulty of Democracy: Diagnoses and Prognoses
February 14–16, 2014
New York City
Conference program

Religion and Politics in a Post-Secular World
February 15–17, 2013
New York, NY
Conference program

The West: Its Legacy and Future
September 7–9, 2012
L'Aquila, Italy
Conference program

Space: Virtuality, Territoriality, Relationality
January 14–15, 2012
New York, NY
Conference program

Rituals of Exchange and States of Exception:
Continuity and Crisis in Politics and Economics
January 15–16, 2011
New York, NY
Conference program

From Lifeworld to Biopolitics: Empire in the Age of Obama
January 16–17, 2010
New York, NY
Conference program

New Administration: War, Class and Critical Theory
January 17–18, 2009
New York, NY
Conference program

After the Revolution: 1968 and Today
January 19, 2008
New York, NY
Conference program

The 2007 Telos Conference
January 13, 2007
New York, NY
Conference program

The 2006 Telos Conference
January 14, 2006
New York, NY
Conference program

The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute · 431 East 12th Street · New York, NY · 10009